1 hr 10 min

Data fabric and digital transformation in cybersecurity

Co-founder & CEO at Fix Security

Pramod Gosavi

Investor at 11.2 Capital

Pramod Gosavi is a former VMWare corporate development executive turned venture investor at 11.2 Capital. Pramod and Lars talk about the current state of cybersecurity and the hurdles for Chief Information Security Officers (CISOs) across the four main areas of cybersecurity: network, endpoint, cloud, and identity security.

Pramod makes the case for how CISOs need to think about digital transformation of their legacy toolchains, and how there is a need for a cybersecurity data platform (“data fabric”) to connect various security tools and facilitate the integration and analysis of data. It would help security engineers work more efficiently and improve their security posture.At present, security vendors often have separate dashboards and don't share data, making it hard for organizations to get a full understanding of their security situation. A data platform would solve this problem by offering a centralized, automated solution.

Pramod also talks about platforms in cybersecurity. Many companies claim to be platforms when they are actually suites of features. A true platform supports third-party businesses and lets them build on top of it.Pramod gives examples of true platforms like Salesforce, which supported various vendors and allowed third-party businesses to thrive. He also talks about the importance of "platformization" in the industry and how companies like Palo Alto Networks and CrowdStrike are adopting this strategy.

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